A.G. Cleaning Services


Perfect birthday gift

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013
That awkward moment when… I know you are probably fed up with “awkward moment” jokes by now, especially after the boom of Facebook statuses that begin with this line. Still, I want to tell you one more. You know that awkward moment when you come to a birthday party and bring something the honoree already got from someone right before you. You know that awkward moment you realize it would have been better to keep the present for yourself because you seem to be the only person in the room that likes it. No matter how much you hate those moments or how hard you try to avoid them, they probably will happen again some time in the future. Unless you start bringing presents that make everyone happy.
Imagine you host a birthday party. You cook, you buy bottles of wine, and you prepare a nice playlist of songs on your iPad. Your friends come and even though they’re very decent, sophisticated and civilized, you know you will not be very happy about the mess they leave in the end of the day. What will you find when you wake up the next morning? Plenty of dirty dishes and glasses, leftover food and wrapping paper everywhere is expected, but you can find unexpected surprises too. Red wine stains on the carpet, wax on your furniture, oil stains on your sofa. This unintentional legacy of your friends needs to be turned back to normal, and you may find yourself in a position where you can’t find enough time or energy to do that. And to top it off, the hangover.
Instead of running around your carpet with salt trying to absorb the remains of the red wine or pouring liquid stain removal over it, just leave it. Don’t do it. Instead of scrubbing the wax off your furniture and bleaching the stains your coloured candles leave with every drop, just leave it. Instead of smudging the food stains with washing liquid and baking soda, just forget it and leave it as it is. It seems like I’m forcing you to become a dirty and lazy person, but I’m not. The only thing I’m suggesting, is getting an A.G. Cleaning voucher. If you’re a lucky host of your birthday party, your friends have given you one. That means that you can sleep your hangover away while someone else is cleaning your house. If you don’t host your own birthday party any time soon and instead you are going to one, bring the A.G. Cleaning voucher as a present. You will be surprised how memorable and useful it becomes.
You just found your universal gift that you can bring to any kind of party, and you know who to call when you’re organizing one. You now know that awkward moment when you recall how miserable your life was before you found out about  A.G. Cleaning Services.
Life becomes pleasant when you leave your cleaning to A.G. Cleaning Services. Let your friends enjoy it too!

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