A.G. Cleaning Services


Types of cleaning

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

There are various types of cleaning, each serving different purposes and requiring specific methods and tools. Here are some common types of cleaning provided by AG Cleaning Services: Regular...

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Sustainability in Cleaning

Friday, January 26th, 2024

Implementing sustainability in cleaning practices is crucial for minimizing environmental impact, promoting health and safety, and contributing to overall corporate social responsibility. Here are...

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How to keep your house clean before, during and after Festive Period!

Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

Keeping your home clean during the festive period can be a bit challenging due to increased activities and gatherings, but with some planning and effort, you can maintain a tidy and welcoming space....

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Clean or not to clean that is the question?

Friday, September 8th, 2023

Ideally, we should clean around the household everyday however life and work get sometimes very busy, and we find ourselves putting off the cleaning for days, even for weeks and months. It results...

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The way to clean...

Monday, November 28th, 2022

We are fast coming to the month when we share and give more than at any other time of the year; and we at AG Cleaning Services are no different. You might wonder where to start with cleaning -...

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Fairness in business - maintaining high standards

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

AG Cleaning Services works very hard to establish and maintain a reliable and sustainable cleaning business. We consider loyalty, integrity and ethics are fundamental pieces in ensuring that a...

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Can clean home benefit your health?

Friday, April 9th, 2021

Today I had an interesting conversation with one of my friends who asked me to help him to declutter and clean his house, which has become increasingly important to him as he is working from...

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The perfect Valentine's Day

Monday, February 8th, 2021

After a year of countless cancellations and disappointments, but also hopes and wishes, we are only a few days away from Valentine's Day. We are probably all thinking the same - shall we do...

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Reflecting on Covid - 19

Monday, September 28th, 2020

I don’t think there is any business or a person which has not been affected by Covid - 19.  AG Cleaning Services and I are no different. It was easy to look at the negative effects - we could see...

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Say YES to cleaning

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

Three months has passed since everything literally stopped and it’s been a few weeks since we have updated you with the AG Cleaning Services approach to COVID - 19. Because we were not allowed...

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