A.G. Cleaning Services


The perfect Valentine's Day

Monday, February 8th, 2021

After a year of countless cancellations and disappointments, but also hopes and wishes, we are only a few days away from Valentine’s Day.

We are probably all thinking the same – shall we do something special? Will that make sense? What can we do that is safe and when everything is so uncertain?

I don’t think I will be far off to say that since the last celebration we spend much more time with loved ones. Either we are working in the same space or are in our “social bubble”. Yet again though, Valentine’s Day is only once a year so we should do everything we can to make it happen.

Yes, we are not able to book dinner in our favourite restaurant, and yes, buying a present can be challenging, but like everything this year we should think out of the box.

The good news is we will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Sunday – no work, no early start and away from any stressful routine. Stay in bed longer, say the magic “I love you”, make breakfast, sing their favourite song – even if you can’t sing it will mean the world.

I know flower shops are closed but maybe it is time to put some artistic skills to work. I always wanted to try origami – now is a good time to make that beautiful flower out of nothing.

Since we are spending so much time at home it is important to make it as clean and tidy as possible, especially for the 14th of February . Although our cleaners are still working and following the Government Guidelines, not everyone feel safe enough

 to have some help.

As I mentioned earlier, when we talk about Valentine’s we mostly imagine surprising each other and having dinner or going to the cinema or theatre together. But we know this year is different – so why don’t we get dirty together?!

Yes, I’m talking about cleaning, which I promise you can be fun doing it together!  While my partner cleans the fridge I do the oven, when he gets on with kitchen surfaces I make the hob sparkling. There is so much laughter, so much talking and so much satisfaction after completing the tasks.

Covid 19 is hard for everyone and we are all doing everything we can to get by and try to stay positive. We have been shown so much support this year. We all hope to return it back once the world goes back to normal. So from all of us at AG Cleaning we send our love to all our past and current customers! Happy Valentine’s!

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