A.G. Cleaning Services


Say YES to cleaning

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

Three months has passed since everything literally stopped and it’s been a few weeks since we have updated you with the AG Cleaning Services approach to COVID – 19.

Because we were not allowed to go back to our offices, restrictions with traveling and home schooling made our work impossible which we completely understand and support.

Luckily we were able to furlough most of our employees and some of you have been kind enough to make donations to your cleaner, which has helped soften the impact for our staff.

Unfortunately, with the end of June the scheme is changing and we will have to decide the future of our amazing colleagues. The good news is that we can start work part time as well as use Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. The bad news is that we currently do not have enough work to keep all of the cleaners employed.

I think all of us went through all possible emotions when Covid – 19 struck: disbelief, fear, sadness, anxiety and hope. There is a light in the tunnel with the new guidelines from the government though, and the opening of hotels, restaurants, and pubs as of 4th of July. We at AG Cleaning Services however do fear this will not make much change for us as most of the people will still work from home and may still feel uncertain having another person in the house.

We do encourage you however to have the cleaners back. As per my previous email, we fully adhere to the government’s COVID – 19 guidelines about working in other people’s homes.

You will be pleased to know none of our cleaners have been diagnosed with Covid – 19 so far, but if for any reason you can’t have a cleaner – you might also be furloughed, or you are in risk group or simply not feeling comfortable – please spread the word among your friends, as they might need some help with cleaning. It doesn’t cost you anything and it’s a huge help to us.

On the subject of recommendations, I would like to especially thank those who have already recommended us to friends, family, and neighbours. You can not imagine how grateful and how helpful this is for us. That saying “So little can do so much“ rings true…

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