A.G. Cleaning Services


Beware of germs

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

There is something about a clean house that’s particularly appealing. Cleanliness is one of the most important things when considering cosiness and safety of your place. That’s why you employ a cleaning company to make sure all the dirt is gone on a regular basis. Although, when it comes to safety, there is another issue that you may want to spend some time on, or ask your cleaner for an extra half an hour – germs.

Many studies have been conducted about the subject, revealing very interesting, and sometimes surprising, results, pointing us to where we can find the biggest amounts of viruses and bacteria in the least expected places. This article will give you a hint about what to do to protect your home from these germs.

According to numerous researches, there is one particularly dangerous item and yet, it’s frequently missed while securing your place against bacteria: washing up sponge. Due to its placement in the kitchen, that is mostly in the sink or just next to it, your sponge is constantly exposed to wet environment that is ideal for germs to grow. Also, because of all the nooks and crannies, any dirt is hardly removable from it.

Although some people may find it difficult, one solution to this is to simply stop using sponges. You can employ a rag cloth instead, that can easily be washed in a washing machine. However, if you think you cannot resign from sponges, it is advisable to change them frequently (at least every two weeks). Also, great amount of studies reveal that germs die when exposed to microwave radiation, meaning it might be a good idea to put your sponge in a microwave oven for a minute after every use.

Another item that may need more attention is your chopping board. According to the study by Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the university of Arizona, a typical cutting board has much more bacteria on it than a toilet seat! Again, if your microwave is big enough to put a chopping board in, you may consider doing this, but there are other ways, including wiping it with alcohol or rinsing with vinegar and leaving overnight.

Did you know that the very toothbrush that you put in your mouth twice a day is one of the
top 10 items with the most bacteria on it? This is caused by two reasons. First is that the bristles dry out very slowly, especially in a frequently used bathroom. The latter is the toothbrush’s exposure to the germs that are sprayed  all over your bathroom every time the toilet is being flushed.

To disinfect your toothbrush, it is advisable to soak it in a mouthwash. Although, make sure you do not reuse the liquid, or germs might spread back over it. Leaving the toothbrush in the upright position for the bristles to dry up after use is also a good practice, as well as keeping it far away from the toilet (remember to put the toilet seat down before you flush it, so that less bacteria and viruses get sprayed over your bathroom). Again, because of the placement of your toothbrush and its susceptibility for the bacteria growth, we advise you to replace it with a new one fairly often.

There are probably no other items used more commonly in a house than a doorknob and a light switch. Germs easily accumulate on handles, because anybody can easily transfer them, which can be particularly dangerous, especially when a person is ill or doesn’t wash their hands after using the toilet. Please mind, that a similar problem might arise with the use of computer mouse and keyboard, as they are important parts of our everyday lives, either for work or entertainment purposes.

A solution to these issues is one that can be easily implemented on a daily basis: wash your hands frequently! Many specialists advise to even do this before and after each use of computer hardware, so that even when bacteria get on your hands, you wash them before any harm is done. Another good practise is to clean your doorknobs, light switches and other handles regularly with a fresh cloth soaked in a simple solution of antibacterial soap and water (squeeze it well before touching a light switch, though – water conducting electricity can be very dangerous!).

These few points can give you a rough idea of how germs spread amongst the most unexpected spots of your household. Remember, that even the best service provided by your cleaning company may not be enough to get rid of all the bacteria and viruses permanently, and your exposure to them increases every time you decide not to do anything about it. The good news is that you can easily follow the tips listed above or even ask your cleaner to look after some of them for you. It’s not as hard as it may seem and we guarantee that your health will benefit from it!

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