A.G. Cleaning Services


Drink on us!

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Now January is over, Christmas and New Year celebrations are a distant memory and the retail sales are coming to a close.

We are all hoping the winter will finish earlier this year and yet again we will enjoy the sun and warmer weather. In the meantime the days are still short and cold. Nobody wants to stay outside in the freezing temperature. All we want is to get home, make hot chocolate put that fire on and relax.
Or maybe you are like me when you want to get home and finally try out that recipe which you were postponing until winter as during the summer time you were always out and let’s be honest who wants to cook when is hot outside.
Winter is also the time when you can prepare all those photo albums from pictures you took last year. Yes, you have them on your phone but you prefer that paper feel and you are not going to give your children, grandchildren or partner your phone, right?
Have you decided that this is the year you will use the gym and get the body you always dreamed of?

Oh wait… can you really relax and do all those things when there is lime scale building up, dust is everywhere and dirty pots from last night cooking are screaming to be washed? Since you spend more time at home, things are getting dustier, floors dirtier and let’s not forget about that ironing which is pilling up.

I am sure you have promised yourself that this year you will be better with money, with time, with friends and family. I know, I’ve been there. New year, new resolution: I will spend less money on nights out, I will be better with my friends – I will spend more time with them and I will be more organised in general.

I’ve got good news. All of those things above are in your hands. I can’t help you to make the perfect cake, get that six pack, make that photo album and I am afraid I can’t call your friends but what I can give you is TIME. How many evenings or weekends have you spend scrubbing floors, cleaning windows, dusting shelves? How many times have you realised after doing all that cleaning, that you have still not cleaned skirting boards, that you can’t get rid of that grease from the hob and the bathroom is still not gleaming? Let’s face facts. You are not a cleaner, you are good what you do, but cleaning is not your forte and you have just used up some of your precious time trying your best.

We are here for a reason and I can tell you that we are good at what we do. We do it with passion, professionalism and we put our heart into it. Don’t wait any longer, we know you want it.
But wait… since you are reading this message you are probably our client already and you know what I am talking about however wouldn’t you want your friends, family, partners to experience that peace of mind too? Now they can and if you recommend us during February and they use AG Cleaning Services at least 4 times you will receive 2 hours of cleaning free of charge. And we promise we will not tell them. Indeed you can use that cleaning cost saving to catch up and invite them for a drink. I bet an evening with friends will put smile on your face and best yet to come: going back home to a clean, shiny home afterwards. Yes, dreams can come true…

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