A.G. Cleaning Services


Back to school

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

The end of the Summer is quickly approaching and the next couple of weekends might be our last chance this year to catch some tan, relax in a sunny garden or, for most parents and their kids, spend more time together. After all, the summer break is nearly over and very soon it will be time to drain the water from inflatable pool (unless you are lucky enough to have the real one in your garden!), stock up school uniforms and supplies for your kids, organize your house after weeks of enjoying the long days of Summer and get ready for the Autumn.

When I say organizing the house I mean really hard work for which I am sure most of us had absolutely no time to do during the last months. After filling fridges with all those barbecue snacks it is time to clean them from top to the bottom, give all your floors a good scrub, make the windows clean and shiny…well the list of tasks is rather long but we have a solution for it…Autumn Deep Clean and we are keen to help you with the job.

Have a look at our Facebook and use our latest cleaning tips to make your work more efficient or simply leave it to the pros and book a cleaner with us. You might use our service for one-off only or enjoy it for longer on a regular basis.

Call us to ask for the quote!!

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