A.G. Cleaning Services


Making Mornings Bearable

Wednesday, November 25th, 2015

Unless you’re lucky enough to be one of those morning people, or at least have the luxury of working from home, getting up and out in the morning can be quite a trial, especially at this time of year, and even more so if you have children too.

The key to making the mornings a nicer experience is preparation. Here we outline a few steps that you can apply whether you live by yourself, as a couple, or indeed with an entire family.

1. Clothes. Decide what you’re going to wear the night before. If you’re going to be busy the night before, think about it even further in advance. If you have to go to work dressed smartly, you can prepare your outfits over the weekend for the week ahead. Pick them out and get them ironed. Even better, if you have a cleaner, you can ask them to iron shirts as part of their duties. AG Cleaning Services can provide this service!

2. Lunch. If you take lunch into work, prepare it as much as possible the night before. Get it into a sandwich box, or tupperware or whatever suits and put it in the fridge. Just don’t forget to take it the next day!

3. Alarm. Most of us use our mobile phone as our alarm these days. Be realistic with what time you set it at, but ideally you need to find the right balance between getting a decent amount of sleep, and having enough time to get ready in the morning. You wanted to be rested but not have to rush.

There is scientific evidence that using the snooze button and dozing in the morning is actually confusing to your body’s rhythms, and should be avoided – information that won’t be much welcome by snooze button lovers. Much better to try and get some unbroken sleep and get up when the alarm goes off. If you’re very consistent with your sleeping habits, you’ll probably even end up waking up before the alarm.

Technology can help further still, with smartphone apps available that monitor your sleep and wake you up at the least disruptive point in the natural cycle, which means in theory you can sleep for a bit of a shorter amount of time, but feel fresher than if you’d slept longer.

4. Shower. Shower and dress first, blast the fog of sleep away and feel energised for the day ahead.

5. Breakfast. This is not a meal to skip. Many people do, or leave it until they get to work, for lack of time in the morning, but it’s much better to have something before leaving the house. A good breakfast that sustains you until lunchtime doesn’t need to take long to make. Porridge can be made in the microwave in a couple of minutes, a protein rich omlette can be whipped up in even less time. Have a tea or coffee or juice or smoothie, whatever your preference, along with it, and take time to enjoy it. If you live as part of a family, try and have breakfast together and have a few moments of quality time. If you’re on your own, listen to the radio, watch some TV news, catch up on your social media and emails, whatever you want. Embrace a few minutes of calm before facing the day ahead.

6. Commute. Check for disruption on the route of your journey well before you leave the house, that way you can plan an alternative way in and reduce potential frustration. Make sure you leave yourself enough time to get there so you don’t feel stressed at the possibility of being late. And while you’re checking the commute, check the weather and dress appropriately!

So a lot of people will be laughing at these suggestions, and continue to get up at the last moment and have a mad dash to work, and that’s fine. But workday mornings are possibly the most under appreciated times of the week, why not try and make them better?

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