A.G. Cleaning Services



Friday, July 6th, 2012

All of us at AG Cleaning Services woke up this morning with a smile on our faces as we knew today is the day we are going to draw the winner of our game. To make sure that our draw is fair we have invited our receptionist to the office and myself, Agnieszka, and Viola watched how the lucky winner was chosen. We are so happy to announce that our winner for liking us on Facebook and/or following as on Twitter is Katherine Jenkinson. Katherine will enjoy two additional hours of cleaning which she can use however she likes. Congratulation Katherine! We very much appreciate your business and we promise to keep the high standard of our service and will have more occasions to win free cleaning. In the meantime, our customers who like us on Facebook will soon see some tips on how to make the cleaning sessions more effective. We will be posting them throughout July so stay tuned!

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